Everything about surf and bodyboarding travel
Texas Tube Tour 2020
2020 is the year that no one on the planet will ever forget. The year of the Covid-19 pandemic left no one on earth unaffected. Surf travel was no exception. Reservations canceled, world-class waves going unridden, travel restrictions worldwide.
In case you've been living in a cave, BSR (Barefoot Ski Ranch) Surf Resort is widely regarded as the premiere wave pool in the world.
In case you've been living in a cave, BSR (Barefoot Ski Ranch) Surf Resort is widely regarded as the premiere wave pool in the world.
Bodyboarding at the BSR Surf Resort Wave Pool
“BSR”. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, these initials should be very familiar to you if you are worth your wave-riding salt! The Barefoot Ski Ranch moniker doesn’t exactly...